Our AI simulations train your operators without danger, without stopping your production lines and with the full complement of possible situational scenarios including breakdowns and alarms.
We create a 3 dimensional version of your workspaces, sometimes called a Digital Twin for the training to occur. Tools and devices that workers interact with can be added.
By recreating the workplace environment, learners will be more familiar with the workspace and be aware of hazards before they start working.
Simulations can be guided by an artificial intelligence-powered character that is trained about the specific application.
Virtual Humans can instruct the learner and hold a conversation about the learning material. Learners have a Virtual Humans coach by their side as they practice the skills they are learning.
Repeated practice improves worker confidence and reduces the chance for human error.
Immersive training amplifies skill adoption through reduced distractions and heightened focus.
Trades and manufacturing simulations can help reduce anxiety and stress, while boosting confidence!
The critical shortage of highly trained technical staff continues to hinder trade and manufacturing. Analysis of the effectiveness of training was conducted comparing traditional text and video training with 3D Virtual Reality training on a 17 part mechanical assembly to test systems and assembly skills.
Over 85% of the participants preferred the visual, 3D walk-through instructions for complex assembly task instruction.
VR simulation training enabled trainees to learn by doing which resulted in quicker assembly times, fewer errors, and increased trainee confidence.
After each training session, metrics and analytics are delivered to a dashboard for workers and supervisors. Supervisors can identify specific issues in the process and work with workers to ensure they are competent before they operate equipment or manage processes.
Trades simulations are purpose-designed to be repeatable, delivering a fresh approach to practicing skills. Assessment can now be tracked throughout all training sessions as supervisors look for growth in competency and commitment to learning and improving skills.